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Setting The Sails

Setting the Sails After reaching our goal of purchasing the land (we finally saw the new certificate of title today) I just ‘pulled the sails down and coasted, lying about on the deck’, while we tidied up the details. Its been a time to de-stress, and catch up on life (the garden is looking great) […]

Time To Build Our Village!!!

Thirteen Sites With New Owners! The Land Is Secure For The Village! Four months ago we launched sales of leases for settlers at Kotare Village. We’ve had a roller coaster of a time since then. We have been inundated with families and people wanting to check us out and join us and many of them entering the settlers […]

Brought to you by the letter D – as in debt, de-growth, democracy and ‘dirty-tricks’

Oxi – Bravo to the Greeks. For me there has been something special in watching the Greek people stand up to the financial/political orthodoxy. They are by no means out of the mess their old leaders have got them into, but enough of them have at least got clear that the existing order doesn’t work […]

Temporary Housing, Legal Rocket Stoves & New Members

Rocket Stove

This week in the village has been full on, between the Appropriate Technology Internship, voting in 5 new families to join us (Leon, Laura, Campbell and Monika, Soni and Kyle, & Michelle) along with our usual Monday night circles, and our Thursday night ‘design nights’, which have become Wednesday and Thursday night design nights while […]