It’s been a few busy months on the farm. But as Ella once said so well… “Summertime and the livin’ is easy”. I think this is especially true for the youngsters on the farm. Plenty of sunshine and green grass around. And thankfully we just received a good downpour to keep the summertime living easy. […]
Archive by Author
What is Kotare Culture?
Everyone who arrives at Kotare has their own special skill set. It is one of the delights of having new people arrive. There is the initial welcome and getting to know you and then seeing strengths shining through to provide support to ongoing projects and suggestions to create new ones! Part of the delight in […]
The Wider Community of Wairoa
Kotare Villagers local town of Wairoa is around a 24km ride away and is the northernmost town in the Hawkes Bay area. The word Wairoa is Maori for long river which reflects the length of the serene river which runs through the town. Wairoa is like a garden that has once been bountiful and then […]
Kotare Village – Shifting Gear
Lots of new settlers have been arriving lately from all over; tents, buses, caravans etc…, all settling in with a new energy on the land. Kyle has been beavering away on the designs, so we are starting to imagine houses sprouting up soon. Our new community tent is up, and I have enjoyed the […]
Come Join Our Hui!
It’s Hui Season and we want to warmly invite you to come and find out whether this village life might be the change that you are looking for. Always been interested in what we do? Signed up to the newsletter and curious to know what it’s really like and whether maybe this is the place […]
Community Supported Broth
Some people may of heard of CSA, as in Community Supported Agriculture, well have you also heard of CSB? Community Supported Broth? For three weeks now I have been making a broth based soup lunch Monday to Friday to help out all the new people who are just getting settled in here at Kotare […]
Water just around the corner!
Shaked and Carolyn have been literally in the trenches, digging, laying pipes and connecting to 30+ sections. Requiring stamina, persistence and logic on a parr with solving a rubix cube, the Water team has done an amazing job, with input from resident engineering intern Mateus, and initialised and implemented by Kyle, Shaked, Sean, Mateus and Carolyn. Carolyn has been there throughout […]
News from Thorny Croft
My name is Sonrisa and I am the newest animal on the farm. I arrived on September 15th and hit the ground running on the 16th with my first milking shift. I have been wide eyed and constantly learning and moving in my new job here. Its been a big shift from teaching high school […]
Water Security Developments
Water is such a major thing. During the last years of living on the land here at Kotare Village, we had 2 main lines carrying water for us around the property, one line with drinking water (drinking, cooking, showers, laundry) the water comes from a spring on the hill block, or from the Mangaone stream, […]
Generic House Designing Begins
In the past month there has been lots of activity on the building front at Kotare Village and I figured it would be a good time to introduce the biggest of these projects, village housing. I intend this to be the first in a series of posts which share a bit about the building process along […]