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Temporary Housing, Legal Rocket Stoves & New Members

This week in the village has been full on, between the Appropriate Technology Internship, voting in 5 new families to join us (Leon, Laura, Campbell and Monika, Soni and Kyle, & Michelle) along with our usual Monday night circles, and our Thursday night ‘design nights’, which have become Wednesday and Thursday night design nights while Tim is here.  We are getting lots out if hosting Tim, as usual, he is amazing!  On design nights last week we covered 2 main topics:

Photo from  (Julia Bayly photographer)

Photo from (Julia Bayly photographer)

1.  Temporary housing for incoming members, and for those wanting cheap but quality accommodation that is pretty much instant, and can be heated, several new families are looking at ‘wall tents’ details of which are on our shared google page for all Kotare Village Members. We are thinking of erecting them on earth floors that have rocket stove heating underfloor.


Rocket Stove

Rocket stove image from

2.  Our second topic last week was getting clear what the process would be to make rocket stoves in buildings legal. With everybodies input we are now reasonably clear about that process, and at some point a decision will more than likely be made by somebody or a group to take that job on. It was a great evening working through a lot of stuff, and we ended up having a second late night session after the formal session.  With TIm’s experience in America to draw on we are now pretty clear about the design of our soon to be built rocket stove facility.

guided tour_crop

On the water front we are pretty much in a drought here.  We usual get April rains after which it is not dry until late September. It is still hot and dry thus, all gardens requiring watering.  But on a positive note it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside!

We are so excited by the team that is gathering, it holds a lot of super skilled folks which will give us a really good chance of creating a powerful new shape for the future of this village! We are excited to set this up as a model for others to create their own villages.

We have a new film we just release so if you have not seen it check it out now.

Are you ready to embrace your regenerative future?  If so, Click Here to learn how!

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