It’s not hard to imagine that there is plenty of work to do in developing our vision. But the question arises, “How does one get ‘paid’?” Here are few points to consider:
Joining our community is much less expensive than most of what you’d find in commercial real estate (and we believe you get much more, as well). It is relatively easy for most people to settle here without amassing too much debt, and this significantly reduces our need for income.
- A significant part of membership fees go into economic development. This helps create livelihoods within the village so that there is less need to drive to work, or for that matter own a car (we are forming a vehicle co-operative).
- We are using cooperative business models. The developing company – Kotare Commons (KC) that we have founded and are using to develop the village’s many aspects is a multi-stakeholder cooperative. Several co-ops are planned, such as a farming co-op and others, and other villagers will be starting their own as well.
One of the most significant costs in the wider economy is housing. We are well down the track of designing code-compliant, simple housing that we can build ourselves, with local and/or reclaimed materials.
- We will be building many houses, with associated sheds, workshops, and community buildings over the next 5 years, creating considerable employment in itself.
- The experience and skill base created from this will also be able to be put to use in the wider community.
The Koanga Institute in its present form employs 11 people. This will increase over the next year, and is likely to rise significantly again within the next two years, either through direct employment, or indirectly through contracts servicing its business. Many pioneers will be employed by the Institute.
- As more settle here, we have no doubt that we will attract other businesses, and that some of these will in turn create livelihoods for others, either directly or indirectly. If you have a business that aligns with our vision, come and see us. We believe we can offer very favorable conditions for you to set up here, as well as great lifestyle.
You may be able to negotiate so that some of the debt will be debt in our own paper currency, which is easier to earn than outside dollars.
- We envision that Kotare Village will become a center for transformation. The synergy of like minds will create opportunities enough for all of us and more. We are not isolationists.
- Living here, one very quickly understands that our needs are simplified, and often don’t involve the state currency. The reciprocal nature of community living – that of giving and receiving – is a currency that always holds its value.