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Kotare Village, an Eco-village based on permaculture principles, and modelling a regenerative future is looking for investors


We are looking for investors who:

  • Appreciate the need for transformative models for the future
  • Value the leadership role of Kotare Village and the Koanga Institute in regenerative living
  • Want to invest in something that will be a secure support for you in the turbulent times ahead
  • Appreciate productive value led investments and a moderate return

Investment Options

Option One – A two to three year loan, with a negotiated term and interest rate.  Any amounts over $5,000 appreciated.  These loans will enable us to properly manage our marketing program to sell more sites over the next few years.  We have often used similar loans in the past, and we have a history of paying them back with a good return.

Option Two  –  Purchase a house site lease. This purchase does not guarantee you membership of the village (For this you will need to go through the settlers process  and apply for membership, which we welcome you to do). The Kotare Development Co. (Kotare Commons – KC – A social enterprise, directed by the Kotare Community Land Trust) will manage the rental of your property and the sale to an incoming settler if you desire, this option can support young families without capital in the process of joining the village.

Option Three –  Join us in an equity crowd-funder, to purchase shares in a Property Company. The company will own several lease sites, which will be bought at a discount and be able to be sold for a profit. The minimum shareholding would be $1000.  We are raising sufficient capital with options one to three. However if this option suits you contact us.

Option Four – Land Transformation – The Wairoa district has 90,000 Ha of under utilised land, usually this land doesn’t even have a management structure, often all its doing is growing weeds, these are fertile soils that have been resting for a long while, sometimes there are ‘set-stock’ sheep on these lands – which is degrading the soil quickly!

Invest in our Development Co. to acquire together with us land in the district, we are rolling over them regenerative solutions such as ‘Forest Gardens’ – Multi species forests of high value and organic produce, ‘Management Intensive Grazing’ – sheep and beef grazing in ways that Regenerate the environment and produce organic , high value food

For more information contact us