Stage Zero (Completed Before August 2014)
- Find, finance and purchase land. (inc. legal structures for WVL as the engine to start the process)
- Move on to the land and start develop basic needs, including some basic livelihoods.
- Set up all legal structures: KCLT, KVA, KC.
- Develop all vision documents.
Stage One (Completed August 2015)
- Finalise taxation issues: GST, Income Tax.
- Secure loans for infrastructure development
- Develop and activate initial marketing and sales plan.
- Purchase the ‘Home Block’: pay out all Investor Creditors and move the land into trust ownership.
- Finance and secure additional land ‘River Block’.
- Secure loans for first stage infrastructure development.
Stage Two (Completed August 2016)
- Install water reticulation to Clusters A and B
- Install fibre optic cable and internet facility
- Initiate Kotare Commons Ltd
- Engage CEO for Kotare Commons Ltd
- Finance and secure additional land ‘Hill Block’.
- Secure funding for Stage Three
Stage Three (Completed summer 2017)
- Complete major marketing campaign for additional settlers and investors
- Obtain building consents for generic designs of housing (Options 1,2 and 3) and start preparations to build first housing
- Pay out parts of river block loan back to investors
Stage Four (Estimated Completion autumn 2018)
- Complete first buildings
- Finalise payments of River Block loan
- Develop village green plantings
- Complete campground ablution blocks
- Complete village green communal facilities (large tents) with cooking facilities
- Upgrade workshop for building projects and appropriate technology
- Secure funding for Stage Four
Stage Five (Estimated Completion autumn 2019)
- Complete dams for water storage, filters, and additional reticulation
- Develop main crop gardens
- Complete first ‘studios’ in Wool-shed
- Complete new cowshed, stock yards and meat processing facilities
- Start building new education facilities for Koanga Institute.
- Start nursery development for large scale planting of perennial crops
- Start planning community facilities and other projects
- Secure funding for Stage Six
Stage Six (Estimated Completion August 2018)
- Purchase Hill Block
- Start co-operative vehicle fleet
- Continue with house building and community facilities
- Complete new education facilities for Koanga Institute
- Purchase forestry block for timber and fuel resource
- Develop village green plantings
- Complete new cowshed, stock yards and meat processing facilities
- Start building new education facilities for Koanga Institute.
- Start large scale planting of perennial crops
- Start developing new projects
- Secure funding for Stage Six
Stage Seven (On-going )
- Continue with house building, community facilities and new projects
- Continue with large scale plantings
- Purchase additional forestry and farm land
- Additional development for self-reliance and resilience