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New Friends, New Videos, New Investors and Celebrations!

This last week has been amazing.  As most of you know the first step in the settlers process is to set a skype call with Shaked and myself to get some of your detailed questions answered and get to know eachother a bit.  Shaked and I were very busy meeting some of you this last week.  We had 6 one hour long skype calls with newly interested people.  They were all wonderful and our new friends were from all reaches of the world; Taiwan, Oregon, Bahrain and NZ. With these calls behind us, looking up at my chalkboard, it looks like we have 8 people/families approved to become Members now, so that leaves only a few more sections to be sold at early-bird prices. Wahoo!  Looking ahead at my schedule Kirsten sets up, we already have another full week of skype calls booked in, so it’s all a go!

Kotare Village Launch Video

Kirsten uploaded two new videos to the Kotare Village YouTube channel for you this week.  You probably already saw the one she sent you via email. She and Shaked made another one of the Sections for sale.  Shaked walks the land with the camera and shows you each sections location and topography. Special Thanks to Carsten for asking us to make this!  Check it out below.  If you view the Plot Map to guide you along Shaked’s walk, you will be able to visualize it fully.

Rocket Stove

Last week we also had a Skype design night so new Members not on site yet could be involved in the discussion of pathways for; legalising rocket stoves in the house, and temporary accommodation. Designing the new buildings will be our next stage, and it is fast approaching.

Wall tent picture from

Wall tent photo from

Tomorrow we are sitting down with some possible investors for the Koanga Institute’s new developments, this will really give us a boost, trusting something special will emerge, will let you know as soon as we can go public with any news.

A celebration coming up this Friday, we’ve made so much progress and we will take time to share our stories, give thanks, play a little music, and affirm the future (plus celebrate Taiamai’s 30th birthday).  Pity the taste of roast pork, mulled wine and cheese cake doesn’t translate that well via skype.  We’ll be thinking of you.  Bless you all for your support!



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