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Kotare Village – Prospective Settler’s Hui

As part of our ‘settlers process’ we have put together a program that we run once a month during the summer months, this is a time for people who are interested in the village to come here, get a feel for the land, meet us, those who have already chose that Kotare Village is a project worth while being involved in, and are here, doing the hard miles. its surprising to see the wide range of characters who joined together to make this ship reach its goals (have a look at the ‘meet the pioneers page’ to see who they are) its time to learn, more in depth, about our legal structures – the platform that IS Kotare Village, on which we are developing a regenerative future – as individuals, as families, as a community. and its fun as well 🙂

here are some pictures and video from last hui:

Crossing the river


Hanging wishes on the sacred hawthorn tree for the solstice


Visiting our spring – our drinking water


On the hill block


Climbing up and looking down to the village

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Ben and Eleanor after the little adventure:


Next hui is in 3 weeks – 4th, 5th and 6th of November, if you are interested in attending please contact us ASAP to reserve your spot. or visit this page to find more hui dates.

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