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Kotare Village Land Pricing

Kotare_header_images2Beginning April 17, 2015 you are invited to become part of the solution and embrace your regenerative future!

The Kotare Community Land Trust (KCLT) model allows the pricing of land to be low for you and to remain low for future settlers. Our pricing strategy will enable you to settle quickly and begin to embrace a regenerative lifestyle immediately.

KCLT will own all 90 hectares (222 acres) of land and is selling individual leases in two phases.  In Phase One KCLT has offered the first 15 sections at a discounted rate and value added items. We have done this to encourage people to become early settlers.  Now, after all 15 have sold, we had enough money to buy the land and place it in the Trust. To date, during Phase Two the sections are priced at the true value of the lease, and the money is used to build the village’s infrastructure.


Kotare Village is a regenerative eco village based on permaculture principles

Phase 1: — FINISHED — 15 SECTIONS SOLD!!! —

Phase 2:

KCLT is selling the remaining lease sections

    • Remaining ~600m2 section leases will be sold at $79K
    • Remaining ~1200m2 section leases will be sold at $99K
    • You will receive free seeds for your Kotare Village garden-  limited to 50 pkts over 5 years

Community ownership of land ensures permanent access, control and affordability, now and for future generations.

Embrace Your Regenerative Future TODAY, Choose Your Section!