Community Land Trust Will Keep Land Affordable For You!
For most eco-villages the price of entry is determined by the free market and prices are a reflection of similar land use opportunities around them. These high prices are a major barrier to entry to most hard working families. Kotare village on the other hand will be held by a Community Land Trust (CLT). This is a non-profit community-based ownership of land which not only allows permanent tenure, democratic governance, but most importantly affordability for housing, farms and businesses as it takes the speculative market out of the equation.
Land, Water and Food Security
Kotare Village is also quite different from other eco-villages in that the land (90ha) has been chosen primarily for its productive potential; productive soils, abundant clean water and a mild temperate climate.
Democratic Processes
Most other eco-villages around the world sell small plots of land and the use of the ‘commons’ is decided upon by group consensus decision making. We know from vast experience this leads to conflict and/or the lowest common denominator choice. Settlers will be encouraged to take an entrepreneurial approach to commons land use (individually or cooperatively) within a mandate from the Trust.
Cutting Edge Permaculture Education Resources
Kotare Village offers a very unique aspect in that it has a very strong knowledge and experience base within the Village, already, being the home of Koanga Institute, a world class permaculture research and education centre for regenerative living. The Institute owns one of the worlds most extensive collections of non-GM heritage food seeds which are grown to produce nutrient dense food using bio-intensive gardening in a regenerative manner. This is an invaluable asset to the Land Trust and settlers as it provides cutting edge educational resources and will create multiple business opportunities.
Economic Development Opportunities
The Wairoa District Council and the local community are strong supporters of Kotare Village, Koanga Institute and it’s investors and settlers, as it sees economic promise for the whole community in its development. Kotare Village is nestled in the foothills of the Wairoa district, Northern Hawke’s Bay. This region not only possess an abundances of fresh water, clean soils, mild temperate climates, but importantly a much under-used commercial infrastructure. Since the district has wide open spaces and is actively seeking economic development it is an ideal place for eco-village entrepreneurs.