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KCLT Vision

Kotare Community Land Trust


(a)   The Trust has a vision that land is used in ways that are regenerative of the environment.

(b)   The principal charitable purpose of the Trust is to engage in activities which will contribute to attaining that vision, including but not limited to:

(i) Developing Kotare Village land as a model to demonstrate, educate and teach people about land uses systems that are regenerative of the environment.

(ii)   To use the knowledge and experience gained to support others to use land in ways that are regenerative of the environment.

(iii)  Providing land and support for the Koanga Institute Incorporated and Kotare Village Incorporated to pursue their purposes.

(c)   The secondary purpose of the Trust is to sell or grant leases, licences, and other services relating to land to Trust Members and to use the proceeds of sale thereof for the mutual benefit of such Trust Members upon the following conditions:


(i) The benefit that any Trust Member may receive will not exceed what they have actually contributed in money or in kind.

(ii)   The value of a contribution ‘in kind’ will be assessed at the current market rate of the contribution.

(iii)  The Trust will not provide a pecuniary gain to any Trust Member (except as provided for in Clause 8(c)(i)-(iii)).

Major Goals

  • To create a home for the Koanga Institute Inc (1)to support its heritage collections, and its research and educational activities.
  • To develop a village, with clustered individual house-site leases (2) and an associated village commons to be leased and managed by the Kotare Village Association (3) .
  • To sell individual house site leases, within the village and use this income to pay for the purchase of the land, develop the village infrastructure, and to create an economic development fund.
  • To carry out, or facilitate, the work of; marketing lease sales, infrastructure development and economic development.
  • To ensure that the value of private and common assets developed on the land are protected fairly for all members of the Kotare Village Incorporated and investors..
  • All land and resources outside of the Koanga Institute lease or the Kotare Village lease, to be developed through the use of leases, contracts and/or license agreements with land and/or resource users.
  • That all land uses will be regenerative (4), not merely sustainable, in supporting a mixed ecology of people, cropping, perennial polycultures, pasture, domesticated animals, forestry, nature reserves, wetlands and wildlife.
  • That the primary use of the land will be to support the material and cultural needs (within a simple lifestyle) of those people living on the land (food, health, clothing, shelter, energy, appropriate technologies, ‘spiritual sustenance’, ‘social glue’, employment).
  • That the secondary use of the land will be for sustainable ‘exports’ of produce.
  • To show rationally that the four fundamental processes that drive our ecosystem (the water cycle, the mineral cycle, energy flows, and community dynamics) are respected and used regeneratively for all land uses. (5) This also applies to any ‘imported’ inputs that will be required for long-term sustainability of the productive systems on Kotare Village land.
  • To employ Permaculture design (6) as one basis for planning and design of managed systems.
  • To develop various plans to assist our purpose, these to included ; a Land Use Concept, a Business plan, and a Self Reliance Plan.

References in Major Goals

1. A Charitable Trust registered by the NZ Charities Commission.

2. Refer to Site Lease 8.doc – attached

3. Refer to Incorporated Society – Rules 17th February.doc – attached

4. The term “regenerative” describes processes that restore, renew or revitalize their own sources of energy and materials, creating sustainable systems that integrate the needs of society with the integrity of nature.

5. Holistic Management, Allan Savory, Island Press, 1999, pp 101 – 164

6. Permaculture: A Designers Manual, Bill Mollison, Tagari Publications, 1988