A key to flourishing here is the success of our economy. A primary goal is to establish co-ops to support the community’s needs.
via Wikipedia:
A cooperative is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by its members. Members often have a close association with the enterprise as producers or consumers of its products or services, or as its employees.
Cooperatives are typically based on the cooperative values of “self-help, self-responsibility, democracy and equality, equity and solidarity” and the seven cooperative principles:
- Voluntary and open membership
- Democratic member control
- Economic participation by members
- Autonomy and independence
- Education, training and information
- Cooperation among cooperatives
- Concern for community
Our cooperatives may include co-ops for
- Design/building
- Vegetable Farming
- Animal farming/land-management
- Children’s education (school)
and any other co-op deemed helpful by our villagers. We also imagine using our base of producing and processing nutrient dense food to export some high-value processed products. There are lots of possibilities which will arise out of the vision and passion of the individual settlers.