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What is Kotare Culture?

Everyone who arrives at Kotare has their own special skill set. It is one of the delights of having new people arrive. There is the initial welcome and getting to know you and then seeing strengths shining through to provide support to ongoing projects and suggestions to create new ones!

Photo ofShaked and Sean passing a heart between each other

Part of the delight in being a pioneer here at Kotare Village is the invitation of a mostly blank canvas to be part of the creation of a culture. Mostly blank because what exists already is solid bones of regenerative principles and a holistic approach to life. Taking care of the whole being, the whole of the environment and the wholeness of who we are as humans living here. For us residents it means celebrating the diversity of those that have gathered to live here by encouraging spaces and times that give expression to the different interests, pastimes and passions of our resident populations.

The unspoken invitation is one of radical self-reliance. Often one of the first questions for new arrivals once they’ve orientated and settled in is ‘How can I help?’ and seeing where individual skills and talents can be put to good use in the village. The next questions may be what do I want to create, instigate or introduce into village life; something that is essential to my way of living and which may be of interest to others. Sunday has become a popular day for these gatherings where sharing takes place and support is mutually given.

What thread could you weave into the culture of Kotare Village?

Picture of the Cypress Tree

Earth/Healing Circle is something Steph initiated at the Swamp Cypress, on the Village Green of Cluster A. The Cyprus Tree is currently the heart of the community providing a cool central place to gather and share village comings and goings.

For her the Earth/Healing Circle gives an outlet to share her ten years of shamanic training in Earth-based spirituality. Re-membering and reclaiming our connection to all that is and acknowledging this connection enriches every part of life and it is a great thing to share with a group. The first gathering was a wonderful mix of gratitude and sound healing.

Working Bees are simply an amazing way of getting a big chunk of work done in a very small space of time. Tree Planting, Fence Erecting and DIY projects have all been tackled with enthusiasm with many willing hands making light work of otherwise arduous tasks.

Most recently a group answered the call to help Tes and Shaked plaster their bus as part of a renovation project transforming an old school bus into a cosy temporary residence. Working bees are fun and satisfying and with more people arriving they are set to be a regular event on the Sunday calendar providing the opportunity to connect with fellow villagers, share a laugh and have that awesome feeling of getting things ticked off the list.


Kays’ Monthly Garden Guidance is a chance to syphon off some of the abundance of knowledge that Kay Baxter has to offer. Having written many books on gardening and with a lifetime of experience it is a blessing to have this kind of expertise on hand to help us grow our self-sufficiency dreams!

Kay watering millet (1)

We meet in Kay’s Garden which by it’s very nature inspires us in what is possible when you put your mind and spade to the task. Kay’s practical approach coupled with a deep caring for the land is something that is going to support some of us newbies so we don’t waste a lot of time doing things the hard way.

Koanga Institute Film Night

IMG_6236This is when the Institute opens its doors for us to view from the raft of educational material they have available.

Often about health and nutrition and the impact of living nutritionally depleted lives and how to get a healthy balance back, the findings of Dr Weston A. Price and the G.A.Ps diets regularly feature as well as a number of other interesting and educational topics.

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