Water just around the corner!
Shaked and Carolyn have been literally in the trenches, digging, laying pipes and connecting to 30+ sections. Requiring stamina, persistence and logic on a parr with solving a rubix cube, the Water team has done an amazing job, with input from resident engineering intern Mateus, and initialised and implemented by Kyle, Shaked, Sean, Mateus and Carolyn.
Carolyn has been there throughout the entire process so we hand over to her for this important water update:
“The main water supply pipes have now been laid for both the drinking water and irrigation water systems. The trenching machine and the driver (Kyle) did a great job. Laterals from these two main pipelines to each site have also been connected and laid in the trenches to site boundaries. We are in the process of connecting the taps to the laterals where there will be a meter box at the boundary, and this work should be completed in the next couple of days. There is still quite a lot of digging to do around the area of the meter boxes.
Next we need to connect the manifolds for both water systems, and then pressure test the new system with compressed air to check its integrity. And then we can fill it up with water and check it again. Trenches will remain open for quite some time as all this testing and checking occurs. Trenches also remain open as we decide whether internet cables will be laid as well.
As soon as trenches can be closed there will be vehicle access available to all sites, but this could be a while yet. So thanks to everyone for their patience and we will have a great system when it is finished.”
Thank you Carolyn for your informative update. With water connected the gardens will be quick to follow and we can transform our pastoral fields into prolific gardens under the expert guidance of the Koanga Team.
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