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Equinox and Harvest Festival Celebration

equinox and harvest festival celebration Kotare village new zealand

Last weekend we celebrated the equinox and harvest festival season by having a special dinner with friends and creating a huge table of all of the produce that we had been harvesting.  It is such a special feeling having all that summer energy stored away for winter.  Kay said about the event “It reminded me of my Nana taking me to church each year for the harvest festival and even made me wonder if that was where my love of gardening came from.”

This week, Tes is off to the South Island to go to the Permaculture Hui amongst other things, and Michael is in Wellington getting his daughter Rianna set up in flat as she has just got a contract with Weta studios.

We have all been busy helping Bob and Kay get their house truck better set up for winter.   They have been living in it for 8 years now and it needs a new waterproof roof, new paint and new awning roofs, so weekends have been fun and busy.

We are getting organised for a Hui this weekend that will see 5 interested adults and 1 child come to look around and see what we’re doing with an eye to joining us.  Everyone will be involved in putting up a fibre earth ceiling, for better insulation, and helping get Kay’s garden ready for winter.

We still haven’t had the drought broken by significant rain, so we’re hanging out for rain, it’s still warm/hot during the day (24 degrees C)  but much cooler at night, perfect sleeping weather.  Next week we will all be  getting ready for winter, we will get our gardens ready and we will continue to collect firewood.

The biggest launch in our history is almost here!  We are excited to welcome new friends into this wonderful village!  Contact Bob today to get to make time to visit.


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