Five reasons why intentional communities are more relevant than ever!
In the 70’s and 80’s there was a flurry of intentional communities that then seemed to lose their relevance, and less followed. Interest and developments have once again mushroomed for obvious reasons.
- The promise of high tech society and increasing leisure, somehow got lost – most people are working busier lives with bigger mortgages, for what? Intentional communities, where we walk to ‘work’, give us more time to make our own routines, make our own decisions on what our time creates, and for whom.
- Our kids are increasingly being brought up in a virtual environment, and are losing touch with the virtues of being in the environment. Intentional communities give our kids (and us) freedom to connect with a rich ecological and social environment – to be a whole person
- The environment most live in has become the preserve of bureaucrats, and council rules, with your part constrained to within the fence surrounding you. Intentional communities open up your home walking range to a democratic process that you have both say and involvement in – your community.
- We know that all our food is GE free, organic, and nutrient dense, and we know who grows our food. Community dinners are a celebration of life.
- In a world where we are increasingly concerned about the future of industrial society, it is spiritually empowering to get out and action the vision you wish to see, amongst friends, on your ‘turf’.
They’re all life enhancing.
[…] Kotare Village | Blog: Five reasons why intentional communities are more relevant than ever! – A blog post from Bob Corker on Intentional Communities […]