Written by Kay, Last night at Design night we came to an agreement about how and what we will celebrate over the next year….. we were already regularly celebrating the Summer and Winter solstices, as well as the Spring and Autumn equinox’s, and we are doing that by each bringing the things from our past […]
Archive | December, 2016
‘The Tragedy (or Celebration) of the Commons’
Written by Shaked. Not long ago, while communicating with a prospective settler, i was faced with an interesting question relating to policy and management of ‘the commons’ called ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’, here is a description of the question as presented by the thoughtful person: (thank you for that!) [Taken from The Inverse Commons, […]
The November Hui: One Family’s journey to making the move..
Written by Amy, This was our second hui.. we had been to the September one and it had been very rainy and cold.. unusually so apparently. Nevertheless, we had enjoyed it enough to want to come again. I had been sold at the get go.. My husband, Cameron, is normally the one who insists on […]